Kremer Watercolor - Sepia, fine

from adriatic cuttlefish, handmade

Buy Kremer Watercolor - Sepia, fine:

$ 19.00*
1 half pan (Plastic, 2 x 1,6 x 1cm)


$ 22.00*
1 pan (Plastic, 3 x 1,8 x 1 cm)


*Prices plus NY Sales Tax plus shipping costs

Ordering information

Own production Further products by Kremer Pigmente

Handling and Warnings

The more the watercolor is diluted with water, the brighter and more transparent the color result.

No ACMI Certification Seals available.

WARNING: Do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash hands immediately after use. Wear protective clothing.

Keep out of reach of children.

The production of Kremer watercolors is solely done by hand in the Color-Mill in the Allgäu region. When selecting the color ingredients only high-quality Kremer pigments are used. These are combined with Kremer Watercolor Medium based on Gum Arabic.

  • ColorIndex: NBr 9
  • Opacity: transparent
  • Suitability: Watercolor / Gouache
  • Colors: Black, Brown

  • For which application / techniques is Kremer Watercolor - Sepia, fine suitable?

    Kremer Watercolor - Sepia, fine is suitable for Watercolor / Gouache
  • What color has Kremer Watercolor - Sepia, fine?

    Kremer Watercolor - Sepia, fine has the colors Black, Brown.
  • What Colorindex has Kremer Watercolor - Sepia, fine?

    Kremer Watercolor - Sepia, fine has the Colorindex NBr 9.